best website templates

Networking For You

This site is to showcase you and your products, services or talents. Here are my top recommendations:

Endeavoring to help two of my colleagues grow their businesses especially during this time where there is an uptick of uncertain health. The companies they are consultants for have products that boost the immune system.

Immunotec is a health and wellness company their main product immunocal (much more than just a whey protein) has the pre-cursor to help your body make more glutathione (an immune system booster).  Immunocal is listed in the Physician's Desk Reference (PDR) where you will find a list of some of the vast health benefits.

Here is the link for that:
Lola's Immunocal site

Lola was facing hospice last year if she didn't change anything (happy she found my matron of honor to help) in her life she would not be with us today watch her very inspiring true story found here: LOLA'S STORY

Noni By NewAge also is a health and wellness company their flagship product is Noni juice (from morinda/noni fruit) it contains iridoids that are beneficial acting as anitviral and anti-inflammatory agents. Also it benefits those with drug and alcohol liver damage.

Click here for: Alma's Noni site